Four Ways to Stay Focused in Summer

Summer is upon us and if you're an east coaster, you know that it's been a long time coming. But with the warmer temperatures, it can be super easy to get distracted. Somehow when the temps are below freezing, it's a little easier to get that oh so important writing done. But here are just a few tips that we find helpful to stay focused during the summer. 

  1. Utilizing the morning. If the first thing that you do is get some writing done, you won't feel half as guilty about that happy hour after work. The moral of the story is if you're writing is a priority, you can make a lot more time in your day for writing. 
  2. Use your commute. The note sections in our cell phones are an underutilized tool. Use that time to knock out a blog post or newsletter while you're on your way to something fun an exciting. 
  3. Write outside! Hey, no one says that you have to be in a dark office to get work done. Take your talents to a cafe with a patio or sidewalk tables so you can take in the sites and still knock out those book chapters. 
  4. Set timers. If you give yourself some focused time to write, you open up your day to every other thing. Whether it's taking the kids to the park or getting that garden going, you can do it if you focus. Scheduling out your day to the hour can be a useful tool in getting more bang for your buck! 

At the end of the day, it's still summer, and some of us have to take advantage of the sunshine. So try some of these methods to stay on course with your important work, but also be forgiving if one day you sit at brunch just a bit too long. 

What are some of the other things that you do to make sure that you don't slack off during the warmer months? Drop a line to us in the comments below! 


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