

For our monthly newsletter, we’re now accepting submissions for short stories and essays only. 1500-2000 words maximum. Please be adhere to word count. We cannot reply to every submission, but we will let you know if you if your piece is selected. We will pay $50 for selected and edited pieces.

Submitting to the PTW Blog 

Here we feature interviews, articles on craft, poetry, and short stories. Submissions are rolling and do not have to stick to any particular theme. When you complete your submission, you will be contacted if your piece is selected to post. Blog submissions are still currently unpaid.

Thanks so much for taking the time and we look forward to reading your work.

Submit Your Work


We are looking for work that is thoughtful, well-written, and showcases a distinctive voice. Over the last year, we are proud of the work that we have published thus far and hope to continue providing quality work from BIPOC women and men.  We want your best and most authentic offering. Please be sure to do the minimum of spell checking and reading aloud. 

Each submission is reviewed by our Managing Editor. You can submit a pitch or a full-piece.


By submitting, you acknowledge that you are the sole copyright owner and this is your original work. WLD Publishing assumes no ownership of your work and will publish solely as a promotional opportunity. You agree to give WLD permission to exploit work digitally and use your namesake as well as snippets from the work for promo on the world wide web. Submit only one piece at a time. You will receive a response if we decide to publish your piece. We cannot reach out to everyone that was not selected. You will not be monetarily compensated for your submission (Yet. We hope to pay writers in the future. We're working on a model that will help bring this to fruition.)


When will I know if my submission has been selected? 

We give our team a month to read all the submissions. So you will be notified roughly a month after the submission ending date whether your piece was selected. 

Can I submit a piece that has been previously published?

We prefer that work submitted has not been previously submitted to any other publication including personal blogs. 

How are submissions selected?

Our Managing Editor selects pieces that we publish based on need, quality, and availability.

Do I still own the rights to the work I've submitted?

ABSOLUTELY. We just want to share your work with our readers. 

Do I have the ability to advertise my book? 

Yes, please check out our Work With Us page for details on advertising.